Step-by-step Complete Python Roadmap for freshers and professionals
Step-by-step Complete Python Roadmap for Freshers from Basic to Advance
Python has become one of the most popular programming languages due to its simplicity and versatility. Whether you are a beginner looking to enter the world of programming or an experienced working professional looking to expand your skillset, then Python is an excellent language to learn. Let’s explore a step-by-step roadmap in detail to learn Python from very basic to advanced concepts. By following this roadmap, you’ll be well-prepared to build real-world projects and crack job interviews.
Here is the complete breakdown of what to learn to be a proficient programmer.
Let’s divide the roadmap into 6 Phases and place different concepts in each phase to make our roadmap simple and clear to follow.
Phase 1: Python Fundamentals
1. Introduction to Python
- What is Python and it’s Applications.
- Python Installation and Setup (IDE’s: VS Code, PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook)
- Understand Python Syntax and indentation
2. Variables, Data Types and Basic Operations
- Variables, Data Types (Integer, Float, Strings, Boolean)
- Arithmetic Operators, Assignment Operators
- Input / Output operations (Ex: input(), print()..)
- Type Conversions (int, str, float, etc..)
3. Control Structures
- Conditional Statements (if, else, elif)
- Loops (for, while)
- Break, Continue and Pass statements
- Nested loops and conditionals
4. Functions
- Defining functions using ‘def’ keyword
- Parameters and arguments
- Return values and ‘return’ keyword
- Scope (Local, Global)
Now, let us jump into Phase 2 and explore what are the concepts that are to be learned in next phase.
Phase 2: Intermediate Python
5. Data Structures
- Lists: Basic operations (append, remove, slice), list comprehensions
- Tuples: (Differences from lists, immutability)
- Sets: Set operations (union, intersection, difference)
- Dictionaries: Key-value pairs, basic operations (add, remove, update)
6. Strings and String Manipulation
- String Methods (lower(), upper(), replace(), etc.)
- String slicing and formatting (f-strings, .format())
- Regular expressions (using ‘re’ module)
7. File Handling
- Reading from and writing to files (open(), read(), write())
- File modes (r, w, a, r+)
8. Error Handling and Exceptions
- try, except and finally blocks
- Custom exceptions
- Raising exceptions using ‘raise’
9. Modules and Libraries
- Importing modules (import, from….import)
- Creating own modules
- Standard Library modules (math, random, datetime, os, etc.)
So guys, successfully, we have completed our Phase 2 as well. Now it’s time for us to have a look at phase-3 concepts. Let’s do that.
Phase 3: Advanced Python
10. Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs)
- Classes and objects
- Methods, attributes, __init__()
- Inheritance and method overriding
- Polymorphism, Encapsulation and Abstraction
- Special methods (__str__(), __repr__())
11. Functional Programming
- Lambda functions
- map(), filter(), and reduce() functions
- List comprehensions and generator expressions
- Decorator, higher-order functions
12. Working with External Libraries
- Installing packages using ‘pip’
- Popular Libraries for data manipulation (E.g., numpy, pandas)
- Plotting and visualization using ‘matplotlib’
13. Working with APIs
- Making HTTP requests using ‘requests’ library
- Consuming and working with JSON data
- Basic API integration
Wow, you have a strong desire to learn Python for sure, that makes you still present here. without being late, let us explore another and important phase of learning Python.
Phase 4: Data Structures and Algorithms
14. Data Structures
- Lists, stacks, queues, linked lists, sets
- Trees (binary trees, binary search trees)
- Graphs (BFS, DFS)
- Hashmaps (dictionaries in python)
15. Algorithms
- Sorting algorithms (bubble sort, merge sort, quick sort)
- Searching algorithms (linear search, binary search)
- Recursion and dynamic programming (Fibonacci, factorial, etc.)
Phase 5: Advanced Topics
16. Testing and Debugging
- Writing unit tests (unit test, pytest)
- Debugging using ‘pdb’
17. Concurrency and Multi-Threading
- Threads in Python (threading module)
- Asynchronous Programming (asyncio)
18. Deployment and Version Control
- Basics of version control using Git/GitHub
- Deploying Python applications (Heroku, AWS, etc.)
Here is the last and final phase of our learning roadmap, and all it requires is practice and practice.
Phase 6: Practical Python Projects
19. Build Real-World Applications
- Calculator
- To-Do list app
- Web scraper using ‘Beautiful Soup’
- Weather app using APIs
If you are looking to choose your path into web development, data science, testing, etc., then there are specific libraries to be learnt based on your interest. Let us explore all the specific libraries in another article.
Total Time Required to Learn Python ?
Generally, Learning Python takes 6-7 Months with commitment of learning at least 2 hours of study and practice daily. If you can spare more time, it takes less time to complete your journey of Python.
Note: Learning any skill requires consistency and practice, if you can do both perfectly then no one can stoop you from learning.
All the Best in your journey of learning Python
– Vinay Neeradi.